Sunday, August 16, 2015

Scooter Rubbish

So the other day I had one of those days. You just feel like sh*t for no apparent reason. Everything's fine but not really. Everything is awful. The kind of day that you're just waiting for a reason to cry. The kind of day that if you can't find a pair of socks among your socks you'll burst into tears. (Has happened.) So I was feeling like that.

I got out of the house with a rubbish bag in my hand. I looked at the bin literally 30 meters away and then my scooter right next to me and thought: "Nah, I'm not going to walk back and forth. I'll drive my scooter." I think I heard a little voice in the back of my head say how ridiculously stupid I was being but I didn't listen.

I drove my scooter right next to the bin. It' wasn't a small plastic bin. It was a massive wooden/metallic waste container for the whole apartment building. I was reaching to put the rubbish bag in. I couldn't quite reach but then I accidentally twisted the throttle and BAM! I got the rubbish bag in....

And it wasn't like a small single bam. It was a bam and then the sound of me still trying to drive through the bin as it took me a while to get my hand of the throttle.

My first reaction was to look around if anyone saw me. No one did. Thank goodness!! After the relief of not having an audience during this humiliating incident, tears immediately started rolling down my face. I wasn't about to stay there so I drove the scooter to my parents' house wishing that the headlight wouldn't fall off. Luckily I have the best stepdad ever and he was kind enough to fix it for me.

It's not as good as knew obviously - quite a bit of glue was involved - but you can't spot the damage straight away. It looks alright and works just fine so it's ok. I was more traumatized by my own stupidity than the actual damage. I'm ok now though! I can laugh about it and welcome you to do the same.


Thursday, August 13, 2015

New Layout, New Lia

It seems I like playing with the layout more than actually posting. Oops. Like I said in my very first post (that isn't really that hard to scroll down to even though it was ages ago...) this blog is all about me trying. And failing. Haha.

Let's see where I'm at on my list:
  • get into Turku Uni of Applied Sciences to study nursing

    I'M IN! I have one spring semester behind me. I've been on summer holidays for two months now and soon I'll go back for the fall semester.

  • do as much of my studies abroad as possible

    I still plan on this. I'd like to go on exchange but that's not quite possible yet. I have to wait until my third year. While waiting I've decided to tutor exchange students coming to Turku! I'm really excited about it. My first tutorees (is that even a word?) are arriving in three days.

  • successfully run this blog for a long time


  • learn to cook so that it's always delicious

    I've been cooking a bit more. I've had to seeing as I live by myself. Whether it's always delicious, I'm not so sure. Sometimes it's very yum! Sometimes it's ok. Never has it ever been inedible.

  • get into bad-ass shape and look fabulous

    I cut my hair!! It's short now. Not short short but short. I like it and think it's pretty fabulous. What comes to the bad-ass shape, I haven't been to the gym. The gym isn't for me. Ugh. Just no. I need to find something I like and am motivated to go to. My university is offering different kinds of classes like zumba, kickboxing, yoga and such for a reasonable prize this semester so I will definitely be checking those out!

  • be more confident and comfortable in my body


  • travel and go to Africa

    I might go on exchange in Africa but that won't be for a while. What will be in a while is a trip AUSTRALIA! YEASH! I've already bought my tickets. I'll be flying there for the whole of December and first week of January. Couldn't be more excited.

  • run a marathon

    HAhahaha.. Someday maybe.

  • obtain the power to teleport (at least between Fin and Aus)

    Not giving up on this one. Airplanes will have to do for now.

  • find my true love, have my own family and live happily ever after

    Wow. Ok. So basically I want a fairy tale and ain't nothing wrong with that. Atm I'm still waiting for the meet cute.


Sunday, October 5, 2014

My Many Faces

A friend of mine sent me a funny FaceQ version of me the other day and I got to thinking... (Deep thoughts.) How much does the way I see myself differ from the way other people do? Probably A LOT. For one, I'm with myself 24/7 and I hear my own thoughts. But then again.. I don't see myself all the time. Even though I might spend an unnecessary amount of time in front of reflective surfaces, I'm not looking at me when I talk, laugh, dance etc.

I read on it a little and found that most people notice the things they are conscious about in themselves when they look at others. I tried applying this to myself and I think it's quite true. For example I don't really like my hair as it's quite thin and frizzy so I'm quick to notice if your hair is lovely thick and shiny. Or if it's more like mine. So I'll either admire your hair or feel better about myself and like you for it. And if I like someone, I'll think they're pretty.

That's the other thing that affects the way we look at things! How we feel. I find that when I get to know people they either turn more attractive or less attractive depending on how much I like they're personality.

"We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are."

Now here's a little glimpse into how differently people see me! It's FaceQ so obviously it's not very accurate as everyone has their own artistic views but that just futher demonstrates how diffrently we look at things, right? :D

This is what I came up with:

By mom:

By some of my friends
(you know who you are):

The bottom line is:
You've got a million faces, don't worry about the one in the mirror too much!


Saturday, September 27, 2014

The Magical Forest

I spent the day with my lovely friend Kaisa and it was time again for our annual forest adventure!
Oh yes, we are very active.

Last year we got lost. Which is not unsual for me as I'm known in my group of friends as the directionally challenged one. This year we were better prepared: we brought our phones. How we both managed to leave our phones home the last time is beyond me... Anyhow, this time I was able to snap a few pictures. It was almost magical.

Gumboots might have been a better idea. Oh, well... Next year!


Friday, September 26, 2014

Hey you.

My name is Lia Stumbles and this is me stumbling through life.

(Yeah, you're right.. That's not a real name. My real name is EmiLia Suhonen. Don't tell anyone!)

I've done blogging before during summer holidays and whilst au pairing in Australia but I've never really stuck to it. The idea is always heaps more tempting than the reality. I always make plans that never happen. Constantly I'm wasting energy planning stuff that I know I'm never actually going to be able to carry out. Why do I do that? Why do we?

I'm not saying we should stop. Absolutely not! Life is all about making elaborate plans and dreaming big. What we should start doing - well me at least - is to start living up to them. And this blog is all about me trying. And failing. And hopefully finally succeeding.

Let's see what I want to accomplish:

  • get into Turku Uni of Applied Sciences to study nursing
  • do as much of my studies abroad as possible
  • successfully run this blog for a long time
  • learn to cook so that it's always delicious
  • get into bad-ass shape and look fabulous
  • be more confident and comfortable in my body
  • travel and go to Africa
  • run a marathon
  • obtain the power to teleport (at least between Fin and Aus)
  • find my true love, have my own family and live happily ever after

This should be easy! I've already failed in my attempt to spend four hours studying for the uni entrance exam today as I started playing with the lay out of this blog... Oh, well. I'll study tomorrow, I swear! I did study for two hours today. Intensively. I'm not a complete slack.
